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Continuous Batching

Continuous batching boosts throughput and minimizes latency in large language model (LLM) inference. This technique groups multiple inference requests, significantly improving GPU utilization.

Key Advantages:

  • Increased Throughput.
  • Reduced Latency.
  • Efficient GPU Use.

Implementation Insight:

To evaluate its effectiveness, compare continuous batching with traditional methods. For more details on benchmarking, refer to this article.

How to use continous batching

Nitro's continuous batching feature allows you to combine multiple requests for the same model execution, enhancing throughput and efficiency.

Enable Batching
curl http://localhost:3928/inferences/llamacpp/loadmodel \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"llama_model_path": "/path/to/your_model.gguf",
"ctx_len": 512,
"cont_batching": true,
"n_parallel": 4,

For optimal performance, ensure that the n_parallel value is set to match the thread_num, as detailed in the Multithreading documentation.