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Nitro with Autogen

This guide demonstrates how to use Nitro with Autogen to develope a multi-agent framework.

What is AutoGen?

AutoGen makes developing multi-agent conversations a breeze. It's perfect for complex Language Model (LLM) projects, offering flexible, interactive agents. These agents can work with LLMs, human input, and other tools in various combinations.

AutoGen Studio upgrades AutoGen with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. It simplifies creating and tweaking agents and workflows. You can start chat sessions, track chat history and files, and monitor time spent. It also lets users add extra skills to agents and share their projects easily, catering to all user levels.

Setting Up

Install AutoGen Studio

Just run:

pip install autogenstudio

Launch AutoGen Studio

Use this command:

autogenstudio ui --port 8000

For more on AutoGen, visit their page.

Autogen Studio page

Using a Local Model with Nitro

1. Start Nitro Server

Open your terminal and run:


2. Download Model

To get the Stealth 7B model, enter:

Get a model
mkdir model && cd model
wget -O stealth-7b-model.gguf

Explore more models at The Bloke.

3. Load the Model

Run this to load the model:

Load model to the server
curl http://localhost:3928/inferences/llamacpp/loadmodel \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"llama_model_path": "model/stealth-7b-model.gguf",
"ctx_len": 512,
"ngl": 100,

Setting Up a Local Agent

In AutoGen Studio, go to the `Agent`` tab and set up a new agent.

Key setting: In Model section, use Base URL: http://localhost:3928/v1.

Local LLM with AutoGen

Crafting a Workflow

Create a new workflow in Workflows tab

Navigate to the Workflows tab to create a new workflow. Change the Sender model to your Stealth model.

Create local LLM work flow with AutoGen

Make sure the Receiver uses the agent you just set up.

Configure Receiver in AutoGen

Set a dummy OpenAI API Key

Set a dummy enviroment variable for OpenAI

export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-***

You're all set! Test your agent in the Playground.

Example local LLM with Autogen